Hyatt Regency Chicago, 151 E Upper Wacker, Chicago, Illinois 60601, United States
Emplacement De L'Hôtel
Hyatt Regency Chicago, 151 E Upper Wacker, Chicago, Illinois 60601, United States
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Friday, January 20, 2023
(Note all Tang Soo Do divisions and continuous sparring divisions are on SATURDAY)
8:00 AM - Registration Opens
10:00 AM - Mandatory Officials Meeting (Officials must attend to receive credentials for the event)
11:00 AM - Team Demonstration and Synchronized Forms and Weapons Divisions
12:00 PM - All Traditional Challenge Divisions (Youth and Adult)
1:30 PM - All Youth Black Belt Open Weight Sparring, All Open Rank Sparring (Adult and Youth), All Youth Team Sparring
3:00 PM - Black Belt (Class AA and Class A) Creative, Musical and Extreme Forms and Creative, Musical and Extreme Weapons divisions
4:00 PM - Under Black Belt Creative, Musical and Extreme Forms and Creative, Musical and Extreme Weapons divisions
6:00 PM - Adult Black Belt Team Sparring and Adult Black Belt Open Weight Sparring
Saturday, January 21, 2023
7:00 AM- Registration Opens
8:00 AM - All NASKA Class AA Black Belt Executive (30 & Older) traditional forms and weapons and point sparring. Grand championship divisions will start immediately after eliminations are completed
9:00 AM - Traditional Forms, Traditional Weapons, Point Sparring for All Class A Black Belts (Adults and Youth) and all Youth and 18 & Older Class AA Black Belt competitors.
9:00 AM - All Under Black Belt Traditional Forms & Weapons and Point Sparring Divisions
11:00 AM - All Continuous Sparring Divisions
1:00 PM - All Tang Soo Do Divisions
2:00 PM - Mini-Warrior Cup Championships (for Under Black Belt forms and weapons division winners and youth Class A Black Belts - if you win your division, check your MATAction account to see if you made it)
7:00 PM - Doors Open for the AKA Warrior Cup Finals
7:15 PM - Broadcast Begins
7:30 PM - AKA Warrior Cup Finals Begin
2023 Competitor Music Requirements for the AKA Warrior Cup, Compete World Martial Arts Championships, Cowboy UP Martial Arts Championships, U.S. Open ISKA World Martial Arts Championships, U.S. Capitol Classics/China Open Night Time Finals and Texas Revolution Night Show.
As part of the new collaboration with MAT Action, Black Belt Magazine, and SportMartialArts — ALL BLACK BELT COMPETITORS (for NASKA rated divisions only) and all Under Belt competitors that compete in an Under Belt Finals will be REQUIRED to use licensed music from Epidemic Sound. This requirement ensures that all competitors’ performances can be distributed and broadcasted utilizing various international, national, and local media services or streaming platforms.
All competitors who anticipate being in nighttime finals and plan to use music should take the following actions:
1. Go to and search for songs you would like to use.
2. Pick at least 3 songs you want to use for your performance. If you want different songs for each of your divisions, pick at least 3 songs for each division. Please order your songs by preference - the one you want the most should be #1, the second favorite #2, etc.
3. Email [email protected] with your song options. We will check to see which ones are available and reserve your song based on the order you placed them in. If your top pick is available, we will hold it for you.
4. We will send you a payment link to reserve your song along with options for professional editing. For a new song, the cost is $25 for the year for the song without any edits.
The cost to reserve a song (without any edits) for one year of use will be $25. This fee will allow you to use the music in the events listed above for the 2023 year and guarantee the track is reserved for only you and not any other competitors.
If you already had a song in 2022 and you want to renew that song for 2023, the cost to renew the song is $15. You must renew by January 15, 2023 or the song will be released so other competitors may use it in 2023.
The cost to reserve a song with edits is $85. Edits can include:
- Shortening a track.
- Extending the track to be longer.
- Adding Epidemic Sound licensed sound effects.
We are not permitted to “mix” tracks, overlay multiple tracks, or use any sound effects outside of the Epidemic Sound library. You can purchase an additional song that can be added, but it cannot be overlayed or “mixed” in any way.
Our production team will control all music, and it will not be permitted for tracks to be provided to us on-site. Regardless of whether the track is selected with or without edits, all music selections will be directly provided to us to guarantee no unauthorized modifications have been made.
You can use whatever music you would like for daytime eliminations. It is only nighttime finals where copyright-free and royalty-free music from our licensed database is required.
As this collaboration progresses, we hope to make this process easier and more inclusive to who you can work with on your music.
Using royalty-free music is an essential step for driving the sport forward and giving our professional athletes the exposure they deserve.
For all music requests, please contact [email protected].
Competitor Rules:
- Competitor must perform a traditional Tang Soo Do empty hand hyung
- Traditional dobohk (uniform) must be worn by competitor.
- No application (Bunkai), no music, no props, allowed. However, competitor may be creative with formation as long as the judges are able to clearly view their performance.
- Time Limit - 2 minutes
- Competitors check in at division time.
- All Competitors in the division line up and bow to the panel of judges.
- A Competitor may not enter a division late without the approval of the center judge. If a division is complete, the competitor may forfeit the change to compete i a certain division.
- If a competitor makes and mistake and requests a restart, he/she may be allowed to do so. However, judges must deduct form .5 points for underbelts and 1.0 for black belts from their score. No more than two restarts allowed.
- If there is a tie (after adding in high and low if there is a five judges) the competitors must repeat the same form and the judges will indicate the winner by a show of hands.
- Each judge will score each team's performance on a scale of 9.0 - 10.0 and the scores are primarily based on:
- Understanding of form
- Degree of accuracy, according to individual's age and physical condition.
- Presentation
- Intensity
- Attitude
- Rhythm
- Speed and coordination of techniques
- Balance, power and focus
- Winning competitors will receive recognition and individual awards.
- These points are not accumulative in any open or Tang Soo Do competition circuit.
- Score using fair judgment
- Variation in Form and Technique will NOT affect scoring decision
- Conduct a professional competition in the ring; instruct competitors and all ring staff of the conduct expected from them.
- Follow the ring assignments as assigned
- Be sure all equipment is returned to the head table after completing all competition in their ring
- After verifying the results are correct, announce decision of winners and instruct competitors to pick up their awards
- Call names in loud, clear voice, record scores, calculate winners
Competitor Rules:
- Competitor must perform a traditional Tang Soo Do Weapon hyung
- Traditional dobohk (uniform) must be worn by competitor
- No application (Bunkai), no music, no props, allowed. However, competitor may be creative with formation as long as the judges are able to clearly view their performance
- Time Limit - 2 minutes
- Competitors check in at division time
- All Competitors in the division line up and bow to the panel of judges
- A Competitor may not enter a division late without the approval of the center judge. If a division is complete, the competitor may forfeit the change to compete in a certain division.
- If a competitor makes a mistake and request a restart, he/she may be allowed to do so. However, judges must .5 points for underbelts and 1.0 for black belts from their score. No more than two restarts allowed.
- If an underbelt drops they are allowed to restart. If a black belt drops they will get a score of 9.0.
- If there is a tie (after adding in high and low if there are five judges) the competitor must repeat the same form and the judges will indicate the winner by show of hands.
- Each judge will score each team's performance on a scale of 9.0-10.0 and the scores are primarily based on:
- Understanding of form
- Degree of Accuracy, according to individual's age and physical condition
- Presentation
- Intensity
- Attitude
- Rhythm
- Speed and coordination of techniques
- Balance, Power and Focus
- Winning competitors will receive recognition and individual awards.
- These points are not accumulative in any Open or Tang Soo Do Competition Circuit.
- Score using fair judgment
- Variation in Form and Technique will NOT affect scoring decision
- Conduct a professional competition in the ring; instruct competitors and all ring staff of the conduct expected from them.
- Follow the ring assignments as assigned
- Be sure all equipment is returned to the head table after completing all competition in their ring
- After verifying the results are correct, announce decision of winners and instruct competitors to pick up their awards
- Call names in loud, clear voice, record scores, calculate winners
Competitor Rules:
- The center judge lines up competitors and bows them in
- The system will assign the matches at random
- Required gear is - Head gear (with or without a protective face shield), hand covering, foot gear, mouth guard and groin protector (for males)
- There will be a red and a blue competitor. The red competitor will get a red flag in the back of their belt.
- The center judge lines the two competitors up facing each other and bows them in.
- All hands and kicks to the body are worth one point. Kicks to the head are worth two points.
- First competitor to 5 points wins, or if a competitor is disqualified the other competitor wins.
- Each match runs for two minutes, time only stops when the center calls time.
- Target area for valid points:
- Warnings will be called for illegal techniques such as:
- First call for warning is a warning; second call for warning will deduct a point from the competitor receiving the warning. Third major offense (warning) results in mandatory disqualification.
- More severe penalties can result in an immediate point deduction for any behavior unbecoming a Tang Soo Do participant.
- Winning competitors will receive recognition and individual awards.
- These points are not accumulative in any Open or Tang Soo Do Competition Circuit.
- Call points quickly and fairly
- Majority judges needed for a point to be awarded
- Conduct a professional competition in the ring; instruct competitors and all ring staff of the conduct expected of them.
- Be sure all equipment is returned to the head table after completing all competition in their ring.
- After verifying the results are correct, announce decision of winners and instruct competitors to pick up their awards.
- Call names in loud, clear voice, record scores, calculate winners
Light contact/continuous sparring is designed to be a skilled event where the goal is to outscore your opponent by throwing and landing controlled techniques. It is not a full contact match. Judges score the match based on who they feel outscored their opponent by taking into consideration ring control, defense, fitness level, sportsmanship and technique.
The center referee will stop the match any time a competitor throws a technique that does not have the proper control
In continuous sparring, fighters must protect themselves at all times. A match is stopped only if a rule violation occurs, like leaving the ring, equipment is loose or if one fighter throws a technique that is excessive or out of control.
Rounds: Each match consists of one 90 second round.
Gear: The competitor shall wear a martial arts uniform or a clean t-shirt with martial arts pants. There should be no zip fasteners, pockets or buttons on the uniform/pants/shirt.
Competitors cannot wear any metal objects that may cause injury to self or the opponent. Piercings, chains, watches or earrings are not allowed. Eyeglasses are forbidden (but prescription sport safety goggles are allowed), soft contact lenses are allowed at the competitor's own risk.
The equipment worn must include: helmet, mouth guard, padded gloves, padded kicks, elbow pads, groin protector (under clothes), shin guards (under clothes), chest protector for juniors. Face shields are allowed.
Scoring Area: Front, back, side and top of head. Front and side of the body. No sweeps. Every action must be controlled and well-timed. In the event of a downed opponent, the match is stopped immediately. No techniques can be thrown towards a downed fighter.
Prohibited Actions: Sweeps and kicks to the knee and thigh (low kick), kicks and punches to the groin or back of the body. Scratching, biting, spitting, verbal attacks to the referee or opponent. Kicks or punches after stop is called. Uncontrolled actions, Leaving the fighting area or falling down to waste time or avoid the fight.
The Center Referee will stop time to give a warning or minus-point.
Coaches: Only one coach is allowed and the coach must remain seated throughout the match. The coach may not enter the fighting area at any time. Doing so will result in the competitor being disqualified.
Scoring System: Three judges score the match. The judges use the "10 point must" system. This means that the judge awards the fighter winning the round 10 points. The losing competitor receives 9 points. Scores can be affected by penalty points awarded by the center referee. The side judges must declare a winner of the match. They cannot decide to award a draw.
Penalty Points: The center referee works on a 3-warning system. This means the center referee can warn a fighter twice for an infraction, like heavy contact. On the third warning, a penalty point or minus point is given. The fourth warning results in disqualification. The center referee holds the power to disqualify a fighter immediately for a gross violation of the rules. In this case they may ask the side judges for their opinions.
Stopping the match: A match can be stopped in three ways. The coach throws in the towel. The medical staff decides that a fightes is unable to continue. The center referee stops the match. If the coach stops the match, the opposition fighter is declared the winner. If the medic decides a fighter cannot continue, the center referee must decide if the cause of injury was due to a legal or illegal technique. If the technique was legal or the injury was not the result of anything the other fighter did, the opposing fighter is declared the winner. If the injury was a direct result of an illegal technique or action, the injured fighter is declared the winner. The center referee may consult with the side judges on these matters.
division | 1ère place | 2ème place |
18 & Over Class AA Black Belt Women Open Weight Point Sparring (NASKA Rated) | $1,000.00 | $200.00 |
18 & Over Class AA Black Belt 3-Men Team Sparring (NASKA Rated) | $1,000.00 | $0.00 |
18 & Over Class AA Black Belt 2-Women Team Sparring (NASKA Rated) | $1,000.00 | $0.00 |
18 & Over Class AA Black Belt Men Open Weight Point Sparring (NASKA Rated) | $1,000.00 | $200.00 |
18 & Over NASKA Grand Championship Women Weapons | $500.00 | $0.00 |
18 & Over NASKA Grand Championship Women Forms | $500.00 | $0.00 |
18 & Over Class AA NASKA Overall Grand Championship Black Belt Men Traditional Weapons | $500.00 | $0.00 |
18 & Over Class AA NASKA Overall Grand Championship Black Belt Men Traditional Forms | $500.00 | $0.00 |
18 & Over Class AA NASKA Overall Grand Championship Black Belt Men Lightweight Point Sparring | $500.00 | $0.00 |
18 & Over Class AA NASKA Overall Grand Championship Black Belt Men Heavyweight Point Sparring | $500.00 | $0.00 |
18 & Over Women's Sparring Warrior Cup Championship Finals | $500.00 | $0.00 |
18 & Over Class AA NASKA Overall Grand Championship Black Belt Men Creative/Musical/Extreme (CMX) Weapons | $500.00 | $0.00 |
18 & Over Class AA NASKA Overall Grand Championship Black Belt Men Creative/Musical/Extreme (CMX) Forms | $500.00 | $0.00 |
Synchronized Teams Championship | $500.00 | $0.00 |
NASKA Demo Team Champions | $500.00 | $0.00 |
30 & Over Class AA Black Belt 2-WomenTeam Sparring (One of each 30+, One 40+ competitor) (NASKA Rated) | $400.00 | $0.00 |
30 & Over Class AA Black Belt 3-Men Team Sparring (One of each 30+, 40+, 50+ competitor) (NASKA Rated) | $400.00 | $0.00 |
30 & Over Class AA NASKA Overall Grand Championship Black Belt Women Point Sparring | $200.00 | $0.00 |
30 & Over Class AA NASKA Overall Grand Championship Black Belt Men Point Sparring | $200.00 | $0.00 |
30 & Over Class AA NASKA Overall Grand Championship Black Belt Men Forms | $200.00 | $0.00 |
30 & Over Class AA NASKA Overall Grand Championship Black Belt Men Weapons | $200.00 | $0.00 |
30 & Over Class AA NASKA Overall Grand Championship Black Belt Women Forms | $200.00 | $0.00 |
30 & Over Class AA NASKA Overall Grand Championship Black Belt Women Weapons | $200.00 | $0.00 |
16-17 Class AA NASKA Grand Championship Black Belt Girls Tall vs Short Point Sparring | $100.00 | $50.00 |
16-17 Class AA NASKA Grand Championship Black Belt Boys Tall vs Short Point Sparring | $100.00 | $50.00 |
14-17 NASKA Grand Championship Boys Forms | $100.00 | $50.00 |
14-17 NASKA Grand Championship Boys Weapons | $100.00 | $50.00 |
14-17 NASKA Grand Championship Girls Forms | $100.00 | $50.00 |
14-17 NASKA Grand Championship Girls Weapons | $100.00 | $50.00 |
14-15 Class AA NASKA Grand Championship Black Belt Girls Tall vs Short Point Sparring | $100.00 | $50.00 |
14-15 Class AA NASKA Grand Championship Black Belt Boys Tall vs Short Point Sparring | $100.00 | $50.00 |
Hyatt Regency Chicago, 151 E Upper Wacker, Chicago, Illinois 60601, United States
Emplacement De L'Hôtel
Hyatt Regency Chicago, 151 E Upper Wacker, Chicago, Illinois 60601, United States
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