MAT Action Release Notes

We are constantly adding new features, tweaking old ones, and making bug fixes to ensure you have a great experience.

septembre 6, 2024

New Features

  • New tournament dashboards have a default, and existing dashboards with only the getting started item will be set to the new default
  • Tournaments now have a toggle to require an email on registration interface orders
  • New Tournaments created now start with a door price tier and general divisions price group
  • Tournament Rings now have labels, which a tournament division label can access
  • New filters on tournament schedule page
  • New warning for when tournaments do not have promoters shown


  • Tournament Division Bulk Operations can now remove rings and sessions
  • Even with the needed entity permissions, users can no longer edit their own permissions
  • Ratings admin pages now shows the completion status of the ratings generation
  • Additional level of organization division levels, age, and gender filter that is more strict (memberships required)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue when assigning divisions to sessions using the single ring division transfer tool
  • Fixed tabs not scrolling for sessions on the schedule page
  • Fixes to tournament schedule quick links
  • Fixed password reset page indicator


  • Tournament Coordinators and Registration interfaces no longer need additional permissions but the needed underlying actions are included.
  • Payment channels and Discount pages are now available with their respective permissions without needing the view orders permission. Some information on those pages is removed without the view orders permission

juin 3, 2024

New Features

  • Tournaments can now choose the level of time detail on welcome SMS and ring movement notifications (both email and SMS) to include just session time, just estimated time, or both. Both are now provided by default


  • New tournament warning when there is no interface on a division

mai 13, 2024


  • During payment Zip is now part of the billing address section and not in the stripe component

avril 22, 2024

New Features

  • Tournaments now auto-close their registration
  • New warning when there is no available payment channel for registration interfaces to use
  • Discounts can now have multiple group leaders


  • Adding an incorrect Stripe Terminal code now results in an error bar instead of a generic error page.
  • Double Elimination divisions no longer allow the final fight to be closed out if it needs to be re-fought
  • Tournaments now auto-close their registration
  • No longer show references to price 2 or require it to be inputted separately in the price matrixes

Bug Fixes

  • Tournament results over 10 no longer appear intermingled
  • scores that have a 0 have the decimal can now correctly be typed in. Ex) 9.01
  • Fix billing address spelling in English translation

février 14, 2024

New Features

  • Waivers now clone - it is now up to events to determine if their waiver is up to date as some waivers have dates - however we added a tournament alert for if the waiver contains a number 1 less than the current year


  • Change the homepage to last some sections in the background reducing initial load time
  • Infinite scroll on full people and full schools page

Bug Fixes

  • People pages no longer distort organization divisions on organization rating
  • organization generations no longer create duplicate ratings if they have multiple applications on the same rating year


  • Schedule viewing and editing now flows from the division permissions instead of tournament level edit

décembre 8, 2023


  • Transaction pages now link to Stripe payment intent

juin 1, 2023

New Features

  • We can now scan QR Codes for registration desk!

avril 8, 2023


  • Maps are back up

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed sanctions section appears for tournaments without sanctions

février 10, 2023

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed invalid buttons on mobile
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes hid some promoter images
  • Force dropdowns to keep the serach field in the correct place
  • Increased contrast on events with light background colors in some places
  • Validation and form fixes
  • Fixed an issue with public profiles getting 403

février 5, 2023


  • Added red outlines to required fields on major forms before the user has entered in information

septembre 14, 2021

New Features

  • Tournaments may be set to mock mode which makes it a test tournament - this is by request only and is a beta feature.
  • On organization homepages, when a rating group would only contain upcoming banquets or is empty it is not shown
  • To get TVs up and running faster they now have a button to go into full screen in the bottom left, and there are now warnings when their is no tv or tv(s) are not full screen (when display is not in stream mode)
  • Want to see more? Interfaces have a button to go in and out of full screen in bottom right (on platforms where this is available and not on stream displays)
  • New option for round robin that counts up how many points each person has in total and uses that to break the tie.
  • Remote judges we have some changes to make your lives easier:
    • You are warned when your score is outside of the min/max range for the division. (a new feature)
    • Want to re-arrange? Use the new table headers to sort by name, score, and place in addition to the default order by division order.
    • Don't like typing or on a phone? You can use a dropdown system instead of typing. Mobile devices will default to dropdown while desktop will default to typing. This option is located under settings.
    • Desktop devices will now have access to the new quick scores feature
    • We made a few changes to the look and feel on mobile to make things better including removing the flag and the word info
  • Scorekeepers we didn't forget about you - you also get some cool new features!
    • Each division can have a min/max score - the scorekeeper will auto-adjust scores to be in this range if they are outside
    • To help speed things up each division can have a prefilled score - which is what starts in each box instead of 0. To make this useful tabbing no longer highlights what is inside of the score but instead puts the curser at the end of the current score
    • There is some additional visual indicators showing which score is currently selected on
    • We added a series of quick score buttons under the scores. These can be clicked on and will assign the currently focused score to the clicked score and move to the next score.
    • Scorekeepers can also choose to use dropdowns instead of typing! This option is located under settings.
    • More indications when the entered score and the shown score are different
  • Certificates should look good and now we are allowing you to be in the driver seat - Tournament admins can now set up their own certificate merge fields and can create samples as PNGs in addition to PDFs
  • Interfaces (coordinator, judges, scorekeeper, medic, trophy, and registration) are now fault tolerant in regards to an internet connection. This includes the following functionality:
    • They can reload using a download cloud button in the bottom right at any time but particularly after an internet connection loss. Of particular note this means scorekeepers can reload their data without closing their TV.
    • Interfaces now pay attention to their connection status and warn the user in the bottom and a dismissible alert on their connection status. (if the alert is dismissed it will not re-appear on a new issue)
    • A lot of scorekeeper functionality will remain during an internet outage, including running divisions. However adding new competitors, new judges, and alerts will not work.
    • Once reconnected changes made during the outage will be uploaded to the server, this is indicated by a change in the download button to an upload one and the alert if present.
  • Dragging and dropping a lot of divisions can be a lot. Tournament ring admin pages now have an area for setting all priorities for its divisions in one go


  • On organization homepages, when a rating group would only contain upcoming banquets or is empty it is not shown
  • The main content of your screen is the most important so we made some adjustments to header and footer on interfaces (scorekeeper, medic, trophy, judges, and registration) to reduce their size
  • Scorekeeper look and feel has been adjusted to remove empty space
  • Added session name to the tournament division table and enable imports using a session name column
  • Since you can only have anniversary year once and it keeps going up, tournament anniversary years are now set to 1 more then the max already set for that tournament series when adding a new tournament
  • Moving completed or ongoing divisions doesn't make sense so we prevent bulk operations from changing rings or sessions for divisions on completed or otherwise in-progress divisions, restrict tournament admins to only move non-started divisions
  • To help reduce confusion check-in and check-out buttons are now blue and yellow, and there are additional symbols indicating if the competitor is checked-in or checked-out
  • Sometimes the edit buttons were a bit too eager, edit buttons no longer appear until the full page is loaded
  • Division names can be long so now scorekeeper hovering over the name now has a tooltip that reveals the division code
  • Change default add points in fighting to arrow keys left for red right for blue
  • Increase size of pop-up on table columns and changed color of the filter button to green when a filter is not selected.
  • Tournament admins can now view the estimated start and stop times in the division table, which is filterable (the session time is now also filterable)
  • Admins can now filter the time columns in the transactions table, orders table, and the tournament registrations table
  • Tournament registration summaries no longer send certificates for divisions that have send certificates set to no. The option for competitors to download these certificates is also disabled

Bug Fixes

  • Scorekeeper can now correctly re-shuffle round robin divisions (when they do not have a tie breaker)
  • Scorekeeper interfaces sometimes forgot fight points on a refresh - after doing some memory exercises this should no longer be the case.
  • Resizing now works as expected on interfaces (scorekeeper, registration, coordinator, medic, and trophy table).
  • Vertical flag alignment on judge-as interfaces
  • Confusing judges without photos didn't show the judge names - this is fixed
  • While this shouldn't occur in the future, we have fixed crashes caused by scores without judges attached (this is for old tournaments)
  • Correctly import the interface column on division import if provided
  • To keep things consistent non-publicly shown divisions no longer count in the publicly viewable medals count when results are public

juillet 28, 2022


  • Bracket fight zoom and seating tickets now work using Ctrl+click in addition to right click so they can be used on Chromebooks
  • Bulk Operation Email Subjects are now required when checked off
  • Store open, hotel website, cart messages, automatic broadcast messages, FaceBook event link, canceled status, and the use division page options no longer copy over when creating a new tournament series year.
  • Payment Method Brand now shows in title case, and the Payment Method Type now is title case if there is no set capital letters
  • Change the public attribute on divisions to 'Allow Public Results' to make it more clear

Bug Fixes

  • AM times no longer get erased when editing session times in the schedule
  • Schools in search that do not have a location name no longer have empty parenthesis
  • Several extra additional columns were not importing correctly for tournament divisions
  • Updating membership applications no longer re-calculates the expiry date when not processed
  • Schools specific search no longer shows one at a time
  • Anniversary year no longer considers canceled events when calculating the new year

juillet 13, 2022

New Features

  • Registration interface can now overrule existing discounts even if paid - and apply manual only discounts
  • Ensure ticket products and upgrades that we do not have enough room for are removed - if enabled
  • Individual rings can now be hidden from the schedule
  • New warnings on standing audit when their rank does not correctly conform to the division
  • Products can now have a color, colors and symbols are now shown on the registration interface


  • Revenue is now displayed in the entries report, which now requires the view orders permission as well. This is the amount shown on the related order line and does not zero out if a non-revenue payment channel is used.
  • Show the paid divisions to discount leaders
  • Alert on the tournament cart and main page when you have tickets to seat, and prevent checkout when not seated
  • Show the current discount on the registrations table
  • Show the seated seat on the tickets table
  • The option to resend all welcome messages over 24 hours old
  • Interface internet connectivity now only counts as active when the user is logged in to prevent losing the queue

Bug Fixes

  • Parent division splits now correctly map
  • Ticket downloads no longer appear for un-paid tickets

juin 6, 2022

New Features

  • MAT Action is now integrated with Stripe Terminal and supports the BBPOS WisePad 3 over wifi offering a faster way to pay onsite
    • Tournaments can now choose whether the virtual terminal will appear on registration interfaces
    • Terminals can easily be changed between accounts
    • The registration desk interface now can choose from any active payment channels to pay via credit card and not just the primary one
    • We no longer create extra stripe transactions until the payment method is chosen


  • The alerts page no longer shows events that are past even if they have an alert
  • Not being weighed in no longer results in an error on the invalid standings report
  • A new warning on the registration interface for when a registration needs to sign a waiver before they can be checked-in
  • The estimated date of the division is now displayed alongside the time in some division code pop-ups and on the main division view
  • The last 4 digits and card type are now supplied to order confirmation and notifications
  • Order external emails can now be updated after the order is paid, and if it is paid a confirmation email is sent out, can be altered by the registration interface or at the bottom of the admin order page.
  • School searches now can list all of the results using an infinite loading technique
  • Changes to how the primary search chooses which entities to display based on the search criteria
  • File managers now pull the file thumbs size instead of the full image reducing page load
  • Manual linking split divisions now only uses the dot notation to look for splits instead of using dashes

Bug Fixes

  • On-Site event orders receipts no longer say Hello Event Name - because that is kind of odd.
  • Additional checks to ensure that all paid registrations have an attendance value associated
  • Fix the upcoming events attendance names for end users upcoming events dashboard and page, and ensure that only upcoming ones are shown
  • Prevent several back end pages from showing up after loging in as the last page loaded
  • Fix scorekeeper school names not correctly appearing in some instances
  • Coordinators no longer see the option to split parent divisions
  • Manual linking split divisions now only uses the dot notation to look for splits instead of using dashes
  • The upcoming events attendance names for end users upcoming events dashboard and page, and ensure that only upcoming ones are shown

avril 20, 2022

New Features

  • We Support Ukraine!
  • New division config warning for when a division does not have an interface set
  • New icon for tournaments that use MAT Action for registration, and a new icon when open


  • Tweaks and fixes to look and functionality of the main search bar

avril 13, 2022

New Features

  • Products can now be marked as admin only, which means that the product can only be purchased through registration, and the product will be removed from carts if a user tries to put through a cart with these products
  • Products can now require a related profile to be chosen when purchased from the store pages
  • Scorekeepers can now right click on a fight in a bracket, and the interface will 'zoom in' on the fight, showing only that fight and those below it to both the scorekeeper and any displays. Coordinators also have this functionality
  • Scorekeepers now have a second display mode they can use while showing the brackets, the fight list display. This changes the way fights are displayed on the display to one which displays fights in a way which allows us to show more fights, but with less info


  • The red phone icon on scorekeepers now triggers a selected alert on the tournament instead of set MAT Action staff phone numbers - this will allow this to be useful for tournaments that do not have on-site support
  • Adding products now defaults to item
  • Sped up the discounts page for admins
  • Alter the output of social links, websites, and featured videos to help with ensuring that the links are correctly formed from the user input

avril 6, 2022

Bug Fixes

  • After re-sending an account email verification, the alert now correctly shows up

avril 6, 2022

New Features

  • There are now school labels
  • Registration labels can now filter based on having a school with a label
  • Registration labels can now filter based on the number of other registrations the user has in cart or paid
  • Coordinators can now mark empty divisions completed


  • If a school does not have a location name, show the city and state instead on school searches

Bug Fixes

  • Change teams to only consider one person per team when estimating times

avril 2, 2022

Bug Fixes

  • End users should not be able to see commentator warnings on tournament registrations

avril 1, 2022


  • Checking a competitor in now automatically attempts to verify the email and phone if provided

mars 30, 2022

New Features

  • We now allow for showing and submitting kg values in addition to lbs
    • Main edit pages now show kg or lbs based on settings, with a toggle
    • MAT Action uses a conversion factor of 2.2 and saves data to one decimal place. Internally we always use lbs which may result in rounding issues when converting
    • Tournaments can now choose to use kg instead of lbs - which will appear on scorekeepers / coordinator / judges / registration and used as default on registration pages
    • There is a toggle to use kg or lbs on all user registration pages
    • If a tournament is set to use kgs then the import and individual add forms should be completed in kgs
  • A new tournament warning when the edit page indicates it should send a certificate, but no certificate exists

mars 24, 2022

New Features

  • New tournament division option Switch to Drop Scores Above Judge Count which will have the division only use deviation for a judge count of this number or less and use drop scores when above. Use 0 to always use both
  • New broadcast partner features
    • Broadcast profiles that are retained by a media partner which follow the same profile through multiple events
    • Rings can now be marked as being broadcasted
    • Broadcast partners have access to all divisions that are either marked as broadcast or are in a ring that is marked for broadcast
    • Commentators can edit the commentator notes on either the broadcast profile or the tournament registration
    • Media partners can create screens of their own on broadcasted rings, these screens have access to broadcast profiles
    • There is now an option to send a 'recall' broadcast required message, this is a separate message that can be sent to registrations


  • When importing a division with parent divisions, we move all standings to the parent
  • No longer allow multiple mappings from the same from and to divisions - instead the mappings will be updated with the new values
  • When a division is shuffled already, the option to check competitors in on the not started page is removed from scorekeepers
  • Remove the login and create account header links when viewing a tournament that does not use MAT Action registration to reduce confusion
  • Moved description up into division details on the admin tournament division page
  • There is now a safeguard against fight swaps that are along the same path
  • Judges that are created as one-offs for a tournament no longer show in other tournament or organization judge lists

Bug Fixes

  • When de-duplicating division shuffles, the competitors are now checked out
  • Certificate email no longer goes out when certificates are turned on and no certificate is provided
  • The Google maps state map should now show data correctly
  • Fixed a bug on the division assigner that would cause changes in the division order
  • Certificate fonts now update correctly
  • The text on the complete divisions button is now correct
  • Adjustments to when scorekeeper interfaces take over a fight timer
  • Class and type no longer get defaulted when editing tournament divisions

février 23, 2022

New Features

  • Judges now get a welcome message when signed in
  • Judges now have bulk operations for sending emails or marking working


  • New merge field for competitors - similar to the divisions bullets but it shows the ring assignments and sessions

février 22, 2022

New Features

  • Coordinators now have a staff scheduler which can be used to plan judges and see who is judging where/when
  • Coordinators now have a judge pop-up on the ring manager to see judge information faster


  • Significantly less information is now required for tournament admins and the registration desk to add judges, these judges are now added to the judge database

février 15, 2022

New Features

  • Divisions can now have a parent division; parent divisions are divisions which get split among 2 or more sub-divisions before competing. This is for example splitting short vs tall
  • We have created a screen system, this system can be used for the remote control of web browsers used to show information. Currently it can show a graphic, text, video, or the broadcast related screens described below - with more options planned!
  • Building on the screen system is our broadcast system, where one screen can remotely control motion graphics on another screen. You got a sneak peak of this system at the AKA Warrior Cup!
  • Commentators and announcers assist the viewers in understanding what they are looking at on stage, so to help them we can now have announcer and commentator notes on divisions, commentator notes and a cleared for broadcast option on competitors. These notes appear on our new announcer and commentator screens, along with other timely information to ensure our speakers have the information they need when they need it most.
  • Tournaments can now remove the ability to use calendar age


  • Products now default to items instead of person ticket
  • Sparring min and max spreads are now changeable via division bulk operations
  • Minor changes to the display of seat maps

février 4, 2022

New Features

  • Interfaces (scorekeeper, registration, trophy, medic, judges, and coordinator) now display the computer's time in the tournament time zone in the lower left, don't display the seconds in times, and will use the tournament time zone even if the computer's time zone does not match
  • Competitor division draw changes:
    • Coordinators and scorekeepers can now un-check duplicate competitors on the check-in menu so only one of each name is checked-in - this would be useful in grand sparring divisions where each person should only have one shuffle entry
    • Coordinators and scorekeepers can now de-duplicate a division shuffle, so that only the last name of each checked-in competitor is present. This also reduces the numbers so none are skipped. This should be used in scores divisions, so each checked-in entry gets a draw but only the last one is used.
    • Coordinators can now try and check in everyone in a particular division
    • Coordinators can now shuffle divisions ahead of time. If a scoring division, then the sorting of the page changes to scores and instantly updates. For brackets the bracket option will appear to view - if clicked before finished you can see it shuffle.
    • The shuffling interface now can see an alert when the shuffle is ongoing to aid in determining when a shuffle is completed as fighting can take a significantly long time to find the brackets with the fewest conflicts
  • Membership Renewal Emails:
    • You can now send bulk emails and add/remove tags to memberships with the new membership bulk operations
    • There is a new column for the last renewal email sent to the membership, which updates when renewal emails are sent
    • You can now set a default renewal email template, which is used in the bulk operations and on expired memberships as the default email


  • Phone numbers now contain the + and the country code when displayed
  • If a previous shuffle occurred and is active, then the numbers on the check-in page are changed to be the numbers from the shuffle, where 0 means they were not included.

Bug Fixes

  • The grand division has no mappings warning link now correctly works
  • Filtering by membership application status on the admin memberships table
  • Check-in numbers before shuffles no longer incorrectly change after checking people in

janvier 20, 2022


  • Grand mapping bracket charts now show the number of mappings in brackets if the number is greater then 1

janvier 11, 2022

New Features

  • Discounts can now be limited to a maximum division number, and be set to be specific to a tournament branch share group. Note that this is not a maximum number of divisions as a division number can be duplicated across multiple share groups.


  • New symbols on orders page to display when a ticket on the order is attending (concierge bell) or not attending (not equals sign) the event (note that the lack or a symbol does not mean they are not attending, as the ticket could be in another order).
  • Order data pickup sections now say the pickup location again if pickup

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that prevented ticket icons from showing up on the order table in rare circumstances
  • Fixed a bug that caused the events table page to 500 if there were not tables created

décembre 29, 2021

New Features

  • Event attendance has been split into whether they are attending the event, and how they are getting their products. This means that for some events, they can collect pickup or shipping information even if they are attending.
  • A new dashboard item for a breakdown of product delivery methods as the current attendance dashboard item now only shows attending or not.
  • There is a new field on banquet for if products can be picked up at the event, if so then if they are attending we do not ask for a delivery method
  • On products there is a field for if it can be picked up at the event. This only is used if the banquet does not allow pickup at the event. If this is set to yes then this product will not cause shipping fees to be added when the purchaser is attending regardless of further delivery method.


  • Emails and orders will now show both attending and product delivery method

Bug Fixes

  • Minor bug fixes
  • We have fixed sending multiple emails to the same registration if the user and registration emails only differed by capitalization.
  • -1s no longer show up on the rating sheets


  • Fixed tournament promoters being prevented from seeing historical data

décembre 22, 2021

New Features

  • You can now filter to include only the items that do not have a tag in tables with tag functionality

Bug Fixes

  • Tags are now removed from the table tab when a filter is already in use

décembre 16, 2021

New Features

  • Registration labels can now check if an additional field is provided
  • Registration additional fields where no options are provided are optional and a text field


  • When someone completes the add divisions form without selecting a division, it now returns to the add division page with a warning
  • Changed My Group Discounts to My Team/Group Discounts and made it pluralization aware
  • Tournament admins can now see the name of the group leader on the discount page
  • Discount group leaders now see the preferred percentage on their page in brackets next to the discount percentage off
  • Added a warning to the request feature form that users should not use it to request support

Bug Fixes

  • Discounts not counting as paid in the discount table when the registrant is checked in
  • Labels on banquet product chooser checkmarks now check on and off the checkbox
  • My Group Discounts mobile responsiveness

décembre 9, 2021

New Features

  • Added new field for discounts - team/group name


  • Leader email and leader name now show in the discounts table

décembre 8, 2021

New Features

  • Discount codes can now email the group leader a welcome email when first created


  • New columns to the discounts table for revenue generated, and separating the paid and in cart quantities
  • The discounts code column is now color coded based on usage and commitment, red for 0 uses, blue for commitment not yet fulfilled, green for a fulfilled commitment
  • Adding a group leader with an email that does not exist now invites the user instead of erroring

décembre 6, 2021

New Features

  • Tournaments can have a cart alert which always show up for all carts, and a no discount alert which shows up on the cart page when a registration does not have a discount code attached
  • A variety of discount improvements including:
    • They can now have a stack group, where discounts cannot be stacked with any code in the same group, and 0 can never be stacked at all. Discounts apply in descending stack group order
    • Discounts can now have some elements updated
    • They can have a preferred code, if the preferred code has a higher percentage off then the code, then the higher value will be used
    • They can have a team leader who can see details about their discount codes on the tournament home page
    • They can keep track of the number of competitors the group has committed too, with alerts on the admin page and group leader page as to their status


  • When choosing which tournament divisions to particpate in, those with a cash prize now have a small money icon with a tooltip!
  • Tournament waivers now use an HTML editor - this has the advantage of additional formatting options and linking!
  • Tournament waivers now require a checkbox to be checked to agree

novembre 27, 2021

New Features

  • Users can now delegate access to their profiles to other users. They can do this under the delegation tab on the person and can choose if the delegated user can sign waivers on the profile's behalf. Delegated users will see the profile where they see their own, and have full edit permissions on the profile so they register the profile for tournaments, memberships, judging (and can judge as them) and more. Delegated users do not have access to the original user's payment methods.
  • Scorekeepers now show an indicator on the TV and main interface when someone is not checked in at registration - even if that check-in isn't required
  • Tournaments can now ask for additional data during the registration, currently this is only in the form of drop-downs but there is more features to come!


  • Increase size of fighting score areas on scorekeeper
  • Permission and notification setting pages now order users by email address

octobre 22, 2021

New Features

  • We are very excited to announce the introduction of two factor authentication! See the security section of these release notes for details.
  • New fight spread indicators for both minimum and maximum spreads, if the min spread is not met the scorekeeper and TV have a faint yellow line around the score, and an alert if a winner is declared when the minimum is not met. When the max is met the scores turn green and red for the winner and loser respectively.
  • Tournament admins can now disable winner screens on a per division basis
  • Scorekeepers now have a warning when the division is already shuffled
  • A yellow bar now appears around the time area on both scorekeepers and displays (not graphics controller) when the time is out OR the max spread is reached


  • We now also show the no certificates issued warning on individual certificate pages
  • We now prevent duplicate discount codes - even if they are inactive. Discount codes now have notes, allow deleting when not used, and allow setup of codes for a fixed price tier
  • You can now delete your tournament registrations when they are drafts
  • Division bulk operations mapping options now have grands at the top
  • Scorekeepers can see some fight rules in the settings menu
  • Coordinator ring manager date filter now defaults to the current day - only if that day has divisions
  • Tournament registrations can now have labels, and tournament divisions labels can filter by the number of people in them.
  • The public value on tournament divisions can now be set with bulk operations
  • Verifying phone numbers now uses the reply system for verifying user and notification channel numbers.
  • Additionally, phone numbers can now be verified using a code sent to the phone within the first 24 hours - this is the only option for some countries.
  • Tournament summary pages on the admin division and registration page now must be opened by clicking show summary when around when the tournament would be ongoing
  • Coordinator ring manager date filter now uses the weekday instead of just the number
  • Tournament discount codes can now be created being contingent on the registration conforming to a label - this is checked every time the registration is added to the cart

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes in some un-common situations in the payment process
  • Prevent registrations from being created in coordinator that are blank or undefined
  • When a sparring division does not break the tie for 3rd it now gives both 3rd not 4th.
  • When going back in scorekeeper in a fighting division, you no longer have to go through the scores phase


  • You can now add two factor authentication to your account. This means you will need to additionally provide either a one time code sent to your phone or a time based code generated by a supported smartphone app. This greatly increases your login security. To set-up go to your account using the dropdown in the top right!
  • Custom created tournament accounts are now disabled shortly after events have concluded

octobre 22, 2021

New Features

  • When a competitor is disqualified in a scores division they can now use a DQ button to assign and lock-in the DQ score and indicate they are a DQ in multiple places
  • Tournaments now have a interfaces management center where they can send messages to interfaces and request or force reloads/refreshes
  • Tournament division description can now be set in the division bulk operations
  • Tournaments can now send Promotional Emails - which do not go to people who have a registration or whose name or email already a registration (including draft) on the current tournament in the series, or if the email has a user with registrations. The merge options now have a new button that will take the user to the current tournament to register (directly to the registration page for that profile if possible)
  • There is now a page for tournament series reports, which currently has report to see who registered for what years the series has been running.
  • Removed the un-used permission for judges - and added 3 new ones on tournaments. We have added Judge registration as a staff permission to use the registration interface to access judges, along with judge view and edit on tournaments. Access to judges is no longer granted by the edit tournament permission. The view and edit judges permission has been auto-granted to all those that currently have tournament edit, and the judge registration has been auto-granted to all users with the current registration permission. Additionally the staff registration permission has been renamed Competitor Registration. (Judge Registration will be auto-added to all new registration users we create)
  • There is now a way to check in and out judges. A new permission is required to access judge registration and both competitor and judge registration use the registration interface. Judge registration does not have access to purchase spectators
  • Expenses can now have a parent invoice so you can relate invoices to each other
  • Tournament admins may now check-in a certain number of generic judges across all rings
  • Coordinators can now tell a ring to check in all eligible competitors and setup the order / brackets for all divisions - this will be useful for tournaments that close all divisions and want to post draws for all divisions
  • New sparring option "Ignore Final Fight" that changes the following behavior:
    • Allow ties for ranks 1 & 2 (scorekeeper only)
    • Does not send out certificates for top 2
    • The final fight does not run and says 'skip', both competitors are awarded 1st
    • If you are using this behaviour to map to a second division you will want to map 2 from and to those divisions
    • Uses a special version of round robin if enabled on 3
  • New tournament and organization division attribute - certificate name - if provided it will overrule the name and print this on the certificate instead.
  • Added warnings for when a tournament has grand divisions that do not have mappings


  • If provided on the tournament registration, the available divisions will now filter by the weight instead of allowing a full choice
  • Moved some admin nav options into the pages themselves:
    • Tournament - Moved ring groups into a tab in Rings
    • Tournament - Moved tickets, seats, seat tiers, and room management into one option
    • Tournament, Organization, Events - Moved sponsors and partners into one option
    • Tournament, Organization, Events - Combined PassCreator options and prevent it from appearing if un-used
  • Upgraded our HTML Editors
  • Improved mobile responsiveness for the coordinator interface on mobile devices
  • Interfaces have some slight tweaks to the messages icon to reflect new messages (messages that appear when open are not considered new)
  • Tournament registration page now uses breadcrumbs
  • Description can be set in the division bulk operations
  • If enabled countries are now separated in the brackets not just round 1
  • Coordinators can now sort the ring manager by number of divisions or end time, in addition to the default sorting.
  • New column for shipping on the order lines report
  • Coordinators now must enable drag and drop when using division transfer tool, division assigner, or schedule pages before drag and drop will work. These tools now also have the option to disable ring movement notifications.
  • Coordinator interface now has better searching for divisions and rings in many situations.
  • Disabled drag-drop for re-ordering in the lower area of the coordinator division assigner due to the potential for confusion when combined with filters.
  • New column to the admin tournament division table - is final
  • Order view pages now have breadcrumbs
  • Improved mobile responsiveness on dashboard modules, and a few other admin pages.
  • importing team options is now available, and team options are now on the divisions table

Bug Fixes

  • There was a bug where it registration believed it lost internet when going back to search
  • When refunds cannot be instantly approved the order edit emails and the order page do not include the refund transaction. This is fixed and the transaction is considered pending until approved.
  • Whenever you sent tournament draft reminders and carts the updated at value would be set which would make it chaotic since they were all the same, this no longer occurs

octobre 1, 2021

New Features

  • Tournament divisions now have a toggle to hide divisions from the trophy table
  • Added a remove all button to the permissions page
  • Removed old way of events sending mass emails. Events can now use bulk operations to send emails, and can send emails on an individual basis - including certificate and tagged image emails
  • Division restrictions can now also be removed on a per division entry basis, this can be done on the edit info action on the division page or under the competitor pop-up in the coordinator division view.
  • Tournament divisions can now be set to remove division restrictions - which will still use the restrictions to block registrations but will allow people who do not qualify anymore to still compete. (similar to competitor restrictions removal - injury blocks, tournament wide blocks, wellness checks, and registration check-in will still apply)
  • Tournament divisions can now be set to not require weigh in. This will mean the weight values are ignored for blocking.
  • Banquets can now be marked as closed after registration so it gives a different message


  • Multi-line fields in pdfs will now auto-shrink to fit the given width
  • On the tournament admin page the pay at door column is now hidden when pay at door is disabled
  • Updating division restrictions now immediately updates score keepers with new competitor statuses.
  • When merging tournament divisions, we now expand the merged into division to the outer bounds of the two divisions
  • When looking at a tournament dashboard, the current tournament and the tournament year often fought and were confusing. We have forced them to compromise and now here is how tournament dashboards now work:
    • Tournament dashboard modules can now be set to a specific year (non-default). If set that module will always be that year.
    • If the tournament module is on a tournament series dashboard (and is set to the default year) the module will use the dropdown selected tournament
    • If it is not on a tournament series dashboard (Ex. Personal Dashboard) and no year is selected, it will use the current tournament in the series
  • Banquets can now be marked as closed after registration so it gives a different message

Bug Fixes

  • 2 guest list event icon tooltips were not showing correctly
  • We have fixed registration desk not getting told when a handle registration invite is accepted
  • When switching from graphics controller and scorekeeper the window specific styling is reset so it doesn't get stuck on winner screens
  • Removed the division bulk ops warning because the functionality was previously expanded to send out notifications

septembre 27, 2021

New Features

  • Tournaments can now delete their own sanctions


  • To prevent ghost ratings, when deleting a sanction divisions links are now also deleted
  • When importing Divisions the gender field is now case insensitive

Bug Fixes

  • Orders now get an interaction when a membership is added

septembre 24, 2021

New Features

  • Tournaments, events, and organizations now have a simple expense tracking system which will be expanded upon in a future release.
  • Tournaments can now allow registrants to mark that they will pay at the door to aid in event planning.


  • Tags now have a placeholder instead of using the first tag

Bug Fixes

  • Some column filters were not showing up
  • When we setup a tournament branch maximum fee, that fee now correctly shows up
  • We fixed an issue when adding divisions to the cart when they are in a branch that does not use the default share group
  • Membership discounts were not showing up on the orders table, this is fixed going forward and we will be fixing the previously added ones in the coming days.

septembre 17, 2021

New Features

  • Tournaments now have a way to merge one division into another using the tournament admin view, and coordinators can merge divisions by using the division view within coordinator

Bug Fixes

  • Certificates always defaulting to left aligned after a field update

août 24, 2021

New Features

  • The clock and stopwatch tools have proved useful so we have renovated them to have some additional functionality and look better - and now you can let other people see them too! Scorekeepers can now project their timer/scorekeeper onto their displays. They can change their display to the selected clock from the pop-up. When a timer is projected it will turn yellow when less then 15 seconds, and red at zero. Also when projected at 0 the stop sound will play.
  • Tournament admins now have access to the standings actions on the division page (mark paid/certificate management/edit info) and on the tournament divisions page they can now edit their scores as well
  • New options for mapping to allow for setting the mapped to order, and pass up scores. These are only settable via the import and show symbols on the relevant row when viewing from the division admin page.
  • Team divisions just want to be able to have their own grands, Team division mapping is now supported
  • Sometimes useless buttons can be confusing so now scorekeeper judge as links are now togglable based on tournament type, an override toggle on the tournament, and an override toggle on the ring - so admins can set them to only show when useful
  • The scorekeeper toolbelt just got bigger! Scorekeepers have a new tool called "Random Number" which allows them to generate a random number between 1 and a specified value. This can be used to simulate a coin flip or dice roll
  • We love filter options too! Coordinator ring manager now allows filtering by session
  • Managing who is currently a promoter of a tournament wasn't as nice as our newer positions system, so now the promoters system has been completely merged into the positions system - this includes multiple smaller changes including: removing promoter control from the edit page, promoters are now merged into the positions card on people's public profiles, and additional warnings on promoter positions when accepting.
  • Surprises are sometimes good, but you want to know when a needed feature is added instead of hoping you'll stumble on it so we added the new Release Notes page! Which you are looking at right now! There is a link to this page in the footer.
  • We know that sometimes before a tournament is running waiting for a ring to recalculate based on your changes is a bore - so there is now a button for recalculating the predicted times on the ring admin page so you can speed things up


  • Sometimes people need to know what rank you signed up as, so now rank information is now sent down to scorekeepers, coordinators, and judges
  • Slight adjustments to look of final score page due to the need to separate 'move up' scores some changes are visible without them as well
  • On the division mapping area of the division page changed "Number of Competitors" to say "Number of Ranks" to be more accurate when dealing with ties.
  • The add division mapping feature now adds the division to the existing table instead of reloading so you can add multiple mappings quickly.
  • Some people do a lot for martial arts and have a lot of permissions on a lot of things so we redesigned the permissions dashboard module, now with category sorting to categorize the clutter
  • Grands are divisions too, so now when estimating the time divisions will take, we now consider the divisions mapped to it and the number of competitors mapped.
  • Email merge fields now have a warning that some data may be replaced with dummy text when previewing so you can expect the random nonsense it might generate, because seeing some weird text in your email preview can be confusing.
  • Tweaked the wording under the judge info pop-up to say tournament admins instead of promoters

Bug Fixes

  • An option to set the interface now appears on the add division page
  • In IOS devices and Safari browsers you may have noticed some judges disappear, this shouldn't happen anymore. We can't make any promises for the judges themselves though.
  • Before if you added a single division to a new ring from coordinator's admin tab it would just get unassigned, this is now fixed.
  • Team scores now correctly get sent to scorekeepers on refresh, which was always our intention but it now actually does
  • Sometimes everyone makes typos and now the admin tournament division page correctly says the division is not finalized when the division gives the option to finalize.
  • Missing the grand and interface columns in a division import no longer sets these values to their default
  • Tournament page spectator tickets link goes to the store now instead of the cart to skip a step, because skipping steps is nice.
  • We decided to show tournament promoters as 2 lines of 2 when there are 4 of them - to keep things in balance as all things should be
  • Revenue charts now use the decimal number instead of multiplying the cent value by 100
  • Overridden ranks once again won't also be given to someone else in the division because that is confusing.

août 11, 2021

New Features

  • Sometimes we just want the quick summary, so now you have a summary of your registrations so you can see their ring info quickly!
  • You can now watch our streams within our site! Visit the schedule pages and if the tournament staff and added the correct embed you will see the stream there
  • You can now import divisions with the session uuid - to assign all the sessions at once
  • Some tournament service fees don't get charged to the end-user but admins want to know how much it is, the total service fees are now shown to admins on the order page.
  • Virtual banquets can now allow their attendees to pickup their award instead of only shipping them and can set a custom message in the attendance selection so they can describe their options
  • Tournaments will now lock divisions after one shuffle (a very good idea when the shuffle is done ahead of time) coordinators can reset this and this can be disabled ahead of time.
  • Ring schedule pages are now fully live, but what if you lose internet? We attempt to identify when this happens and refresh when the internet is back.


  • On banquets the pickup option no longer says pickup by friend/instructor because sometimes you want to pickup your own awards - just not at the banquet, and no longer requires a name (if no name is provided it defaults to self)
  • The division import now has additional optional fields
  • Facebook embedds now auto-play - we do like the moving pictures
  • Banquet tickets now follow the attending type flags because tickets ignoring them doesn't make sense
  • Changed the default division split mapping to copy - because that is typically the one people want to use
  • We have re-added the clone division split option - this does what custom did before we changed it - put everyone in both divisions.

Bug Fixes

  • Ordering your transactions based on payment channel should no longer crash - because that is annoying when it does that
  • Splitting the divisions using the parent split options now actually splits
  • There were a couple instances where we put an internal string instead of a nicely formatted string these now show the nice version


  • Added some security enhancements

juillet 29, 2021

New Features

  • For admins it would show every notification you ever got on one page - which was a lot and unhelpful - we now paginate them so its usable even with thousands of notifications
  • Everyone loves new toys and now we have a new band new system for sending bulk mail to tournament registrations or orders using the bulk operations tools.
  • Orders now have a last interaction column, which should be more useful then the updated at column
  • Tournaments and orders have a last reminder column which is for the last reminder sent
  • Email previews are now available on templates and other pages and will use fake data
  • Scorekeepers now have links to judge as their judges to submit their scores if needed


  • Tournament divisions can now be assigned to a session and ring in one go so its less repetitive to do both
  • We now prevent rings from sending multiple texts to the same division entry - should aid in preventing spam

Bug Fixes

  • The judge as link now works correctly

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