National Sport Karate Australia
@NSKA | 15 Events
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Sport Karate competition in Australia started to generate momentum as a sport during the mid 1980's. This momentum seen several major event promoters come together to form a tournament circuit. As time progressed this group sort recognition and sanctioning from the International Sport Karate Association (ISKA). This recognition was granted during the 1990's as ISKA exploded world wide quickly becoming the dominant Martial Arts and Combat Sports sanctioning authority globally.

The tournament circuit continued to operate in Australia under the ISKA brand until 2015, at which time formal structure was brought into play with the International Sports Karate Association Australia Incorporated being formed as a registered Australian Body under Fair trade NSW. The aim of this new organisation was to become the peak body for sports martial arts competition in Australia.

At the 2019 International Sports Karate Association Australia Incorporated annual general meeting a special resolution was passed to take the organisation to the next level and restructure into National Sport Karate Australia Ltd. An entity limited by guarantee under the Corporations Act (2001). Again the focus being acting as the peak body for sports martial arts competition in Australia.

This new entity better aligned with the expectations of major sporting bodies in Australia and while still primarily sanctioned by the ISKA it allowed for opportunities to be explored with additional sanctioning authorities to ensure all Martial Arts types held at out competitions are appropriately represented.

We have two classes of membership -

1. Individual Members -
For martial artists who want to get more involved with the industry, Stay up to date on all the latest changes and have your voice heard clearly by our leadership.

Plus -

  • Receive 10% off all your tournament entries all year.
  • Access to Seminars & Training days 
  • Invitations to industry events 
  • Limited voting rights at General Meetings

$10 annual membership fee.
Click here to become a member today


2. Club/Organisation Members -
This level is for those clubs who are actively competing at our events. Membership will give you the inside story on all things happening in our industry.

Plus - 

  • Full voting rights at General Meetings.
  • Access to the industries best insurance package to protect your Organisation and Students.
  • 4x Free spectator passes to our events for coaches.

$100 annual membership fee.
Email us [email protected]

Rules & Regulations
Rule Book
MAT Action
MAT Action